Looking at the options listed above, you can start building the decision trees as shown in the diagram. By looking at this information, the lobby for staying with the legacy software would have the strongest case. But, let’s see how it pans out. Read on.

The Buy the New Software and Build the New Software options will lead to either a successful deployment or an unsuccessful one. If the deployment is successful then the impact is zero, because the risk will not have materialized. However, if the deployment is unsuccessful, then the risk will materialize and the impact is $2 million. The Stay with the Legacy Software option will lead to only one impact, which is $2 million, because the legacy software is not currently meeting the needs of the company. Nor, will it meet the needs should there be growth. In this example, we have assumed that the company will have growth.

In this example, Decision Trees analysis will be used to make the project risk management decision. The next step is to compute the Expected Monetary Value for each path in the Decision Trees. Let’s see how this helps in this Decision Trees example.

Decision Trees Example – Calculating Expected Monetary Value for each Decision Tree Path

The diagram depicts the decision tree. Now, you can calculate the Expected Monetary Value for each decision. The Expected Monetary Value associated with each risk is calculated by multiplying the probability of the risk with the impact. By doing this, we get the following:

Now, add the setup costs to each Expected Monetary Value:

View the image above, to see how all the figures above look like in a Decision Tree after conducting a Decision Tree Analysis. Now let’s make the decision in this Decision Trees example. This will illustrate the role of Decision Trees in Project Risk Management.

Decision Trees Example – Making the Decision

Looking at the Expected Monetary Values computed in this Decision Trees example, you can see that buying the new software is actually the most cost efficient option, even though its initial setup cost is the highest. Staying with the legacy software is by far the most expensive option.

How To Create A Value Driver Tree Service

When youconduct a SWOT Analysis to determine whether a business idea is worth pursuing, there is no quantified data to support your decision. Decision Trees and Decision tree analysis help you quantify the data, which is then useful in convincing stakeholders. It is a critical part in Project Risk Management.